practice areas
Planning & Operations
Planning and defining rules is essential to the efficient and sustainable operation of public services in the electricity, gas, water and sanitation sectors. Since its start-up, GME has supported governments and energy companies in the definition of infrastructure needs and rules required to ensure the provision of the service on an efficient and reliable basis. Our comprehensive approach considers the technical aspects and includes the economic value for decision-making, considering the current conditions of the operational environment and the regulation.
• Power System studies
• Smart Grids and Innovation
• Renewable Energy Integration
• Testing & Models
• Grid Access
• Investment Planning
• Network technology assessment and costing
• Off grids and Distributed Energy resources
• Demand Analysis
• LNG Development
• Operators Audit
• Power System studies
• Smart Grids and Innovation
• Renewable Energy Integration
• Testing & Models
• Grid Access
• Investment Planning
• Network technology assessment and costing
• Off grids and Distributed Energy resources
• Demand Analysis
• LNG Development
• Operators Audit
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Energy Storage Systems and Renewable Generation
The road to energy transition, arising from the objectives of sustainable development, faces the challenge of having dynamic and flexible energy...

Starting today, we are GME
We accompany our clients in the management and transformation of the energy sector with a new identity.

Modeling Regional Markets and SAPP Case Study
Modeling regional electricity markets is essential to better understand the current and future dynamic of electricity systems and to analyze the...

Challenges and Opportunities To Produce Green Hydrogen In Africa
The African region is strategically placed to become a production hub for both Green Hydrogen and Low Carbon Hydrogen. The main advantages include...

Distributed Generation - Physical Principles of Operation, Regulation, Rates and Taxes
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Guatemala - Hybrid Variable Renewable Generation Proposal
Guatemala has great potential for the development of solar and wind NCRE. However, the current level of penetration of NCRE in the energy matrix is...

A new technical procedure in Peru to improve the modeling of power plants
The regulatory change, driven by the future Peru-Ecuador interconnection, requires electricity generating companies and reactive compensation teams to...

Commercial Authorization of the Dolores Wind Park
The Dolores de Nueva León Wind Park, Mexico has started its operations and from GME we are proud to have participated in its commercial authorization...