Our understanding of the energy markets, which comprise the electricity, oil and gas sectors, allows us to assist our clients in their strategic...
See moreWe were pioneers in global energy consultancy and thanks to our expertise, our search for excellence and our vision of the future, today we continue being a strategic partner for all our clients.
Our understanding of the energy markets, which comprise the electricity, oil and gas sectors, allows us to assist our clients in their strategic...
See morePlanning and defining rules is essential to the efficient and sustainable operation of public services in the electricity, gas, water and sanitation...
See moreFor public services to operate in an efficient and sustainable manner, fostering technological innovation and quality of service to clients, there...
See moreEnergy markets are currently undergoing a substantial transition period in which many countries have imposed energy transformation policies mainly...
See moreThe concept of sustainable development has become relevant in the past few years, since the United Nations member countries adopted Sustainable...
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