Services provided: Development of the required technical and economic regulatory tools (standards, codes, models, tariff simulations and methodologies, reports, audit manuals, etc.) to support the regulation of the natural gas subsector, and hands-on training to the authority staff on these tools. Development of the quantitative analysis framework and the selection criteria to evaluate priority projects; brief evaluation of the tariff systems applicable to natural gas transport, processing, storage and distribution; development of tariff methodologies based on the capacity weighteddistance approach for the natural gas transport network and the postage stamp approach for the processing, storage and distribution network; development and installation of economic and financial modeling/simulation software for entry requirements; development of the processing, transmission, and distribution system methodology to determine efficient tariffs; development of technical standards to process, distribute, and store natural gas; development of natural gas transport and distribution codes; preparation of presentation guidelines for reports and spreadsheets; development of the audit manual for natural gas compliance, focusing on health, safety, and the environment. Studies and document revision. Training.
Clients: EWURA (Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority).