Services provided: Develop and implement trade agreements and a regulatory regime for the electricity sector to facilitate privatization in a manner that is commercially viable and attractive to the private sector, and in accordance with potential future regional electricity exchanges. The main activities include market design and rules; stranded costs; generation, transmission and distribution restructuring; regulatory framework; tariff regulation issues; grid code scheme; transmission regulation design, including prices, quality of service, right to and use of the transmission system, expansion planning and investment regime. Prepare the applicable rules that would govern the transmission segment, determine the formula to control the electricity distribution price and the relevant rules applicable to retail electricity pricing. Develop the rules required for the distribution segment, including obligations in terms of quality of service. Propose tariff readjustment and a management plan for tariff transition; develop commercial and metering systems for the system operator as well as its governance structure.
Clients: Presidential Parastatal Sector Reform Commission (PSRC)
Practice Areas: Strategy, Policies & Regulation, Transaction Advisory
Regions: Africa
Countries: Tanzania
Sectors: Electric Sector