Establishment/review of rules and policies

Services provided: Identify and characterize the different services provided by the power system; analyze international information on best practices related to the key aspects of electricity service regulation and pricing; workshops and discussion sessions with the key participants; analysis of transmission and distribution charges; value added used by the regulator. Develop a strategy to define structures that allow setting tariffs so as to identify and recognize the costs of each segment of the power system. Contemplate the effects of subsidies and/or other charges external to the electricity service; analyze and propose mechanisms to minimize current tariff distortions; analyze the impact on the tariffs of the recommendations to make modifications; develop guidelines for an orderly transition from the present situation to the proposed one in terms of tariffs. Development of skills.

Clients: Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE), WB for the Honduran Electricity Regulatory Commission (CREE), Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation of Jordan, Mexican Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), CEB in Mauritius.

Practice Areas: Policies & Regulation, Transaction Advisory
Regions: America, Africa
Countries: Mexico, Mauritius, Jordan, Honduras, Costa Rica
Sectors: Electric Sector